Funky apple wood

An apple tree got blown over at my parents house ~3 months ago. My dad cut it up and saved a few logs for me (~6 inch diameter). I packed them in an empty cooler and drove ~1000 miles back to Texas. When I opened the cooler my wife and kids gagged from the smell. My wife suggested my dad was playing a trick on me.

I almost smelled like they had started to ferment?

Anyone have a similar experienece? I would like to use some of the apple wood (I've been stuck on hickory for a while) but do not want to ruin a perfectly good piece of meet with funky wood.

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
Well my guess is that pretty much anything would smell funky after a 1000 miles in a cooler that had no ice in it and probably in the trunk of a car that get pretty darn hot during the summer months. If the tree was green and not rotten, it's loaded with moisture and sap so just let them dry out. Give em a few days and split one open I'll bet they smell just fine.
If it was full of sap and then kept in a warm enclosed environment, then you were fermenting apple wood. Throw it in the sun and let it dry out and you will be fine.

