Fruit Flavor Ribs



TVWBB Member

I've been going with an apple flavor with my ribs in competition, using apple powder in the rub and cider vinegar and apple juice in the sauce.

I'm happy with it, but I've been thinking of trying cherry. Has anyone had any experience with that? What about in competitions?


A cherry bbq sauce is nice or try apricot. In comps its more the flavour the judges expect to get than what you think is good that wins prizes.
Our best placing last year with ribs was 3rd place. I'm thinking that cherry powder in the rub might be the way to go.

I may make two batches and invite over some cbj's to get their input.


I'm tweaking with a blueberry bbq sauce this Summer for a comp in August (teetering between an ancho-blueberry and a jalepeno-honey-blueberry) - and I've been smoking over Apple or Cherry for them.

Really like the fruity aspect, and with the darker blueberry sauce (I sauce about 30 min before pullling the ribs) - it gives a fun contrast to the meat of the rib.

I like Bob's idea of Apricot too - that could be fun.

