Fried heatermeter board?

so plugged in the heatermeter w/ lcd screen to the pi. the lcd top bar blocked up again but after 40 seconds the backlight on the LCD turned on for a few seconds. I can connect to the web interface but it says not communicating.

No LED's and just the top bar blocked on the LCD.
If you see the HEATERMETER hotspot then connect to it, then open a web browser and try to connect to the gateway ip or (I think that is the default fallback IP? Should be listed in the wiki setup guide)
If you get the HM web page to load, login to Config and go to Network/Wireless and SCAN for networks, select your wifi and connect.... then hope your HM appears on your home network at next boot! Make sure the security on your wifi is letting you connect...
That means the rPi isnt talking to the ATMega for whatever reason. weren't we speculating that the ATMega might be fried earlier? I know the first boot was rocky (smokey?)... You could go to Config/LinkMeter/AVR Firmware and attempt to flash the Arduino and see if it comes to life.
If the ONLINE REPOSITORY option loads a list of files pick the latest snapshot, or you could use a downloaded file or choose the bundled file...
thank you, this was the result:

Downloading ''
Connecting to
Writing to '/tmp/hm.hex'

/tmp/hm.hex 0% | | 0 --:--:-- ETA
/tmp/hm.hex 0% | | 0 --:--:-- ETA
/tmp/hm.hex 25% |******* | 16384 0:00:08 ETA
/tmp/hm.hex 25% |******* | 16384 0:00:11 ETA
/tmp/hm.hex 100% |*******************************| 64041 0:00:00 ETA
Download completed (64041 bytes)
Stopping LinkMeter nil poll

LinkMeter platform is BCM2708
Loading SPI modules...

Starting LinkMeter nil poll
AVR Fuse error, so I assume no joy?

That again means the rPi is not talking to the atmega. Could be bad solder on the HM board, or another sort of build error, or perhaps you fried the ATMega when you first connected things? I can't recall if you posted pics of your board? Maybe you have a component installed backward or in the wrong position, or bad solder someone could point out in a pic?
I would quickly reflow the solder on the ATMega (remove the chip first to protect it from heat) and also the rPi connector, then reassemble and try again.
No, I dont mean DE solder, I mean take your soldering iron and touch-up each solder joint quickly with a tiny bit of fresh solder and allow the solder to flow onto the pin and the solder pad on the board. Make sure to heat the solder pad, not just the pin. Then reassemble and power it up again, hoping the rPi see's the ATMega and programs it.
so got a new ATMega, heater meter works and pops up on network...but

probe 2 reads 583C with no probe plugged into it and still have no readout on the LCD. Gonna examine the connections on the LCD Board.
Nice to see progress!
On the misbehaving probe, you might try cleaning the board around the probe jack area with isopropyl alcohol and a soft brush (let board dry thoroughly before powering back up) Sometime excess flux on the board can make probes throw false readings. Also make sure the probe type settings are correct in the HM config.
yup....the lcd turned on, I could go through the menus etc etc...then I smelled burning, unplugged it and the pi is hot to touch.

now the pi won't boot.

if I just plug in the HM board with the LCD screen the LCD displays same thing as before, top line just solid bars.
now i plugged hm and in with lcd and the lcd worked but its giving my readings for probe 2 without a probe.

but the buttons are now sometimes working sometimes now and the backlight keeps going up and down on its own.

