Freezing a Butt - Pull or not?

Definitely pull It. If you put just enough for a serving or two in each bag it will freeze quicker and when you reheat it, just put it in a pot of water. Bring it to a boil. After it starts to boil it only needs 3 to 4 minutes until it's hot enough to eat. Definitely vacuum seal.
By the time I got through pulling, the temp was down enough to bag. Handi-Vac seems to work very well. I guess i'll have a more definitive opinion when I get ready to eat it.
Not to be doggin' out ol' Craig here ... but for safety's sake I do believe your meats need to be fully cooled before vac sealing.
I would agree with Rick K. I actually portion my meat, wrap in plastic wrap and put in freezer. I will then take out of wrap and vacu seal. Then into the hot water to heat when I need a quick pulled pork fix.

