Free Performer SS (not mine) w/ gas assist




“Free BBQ to a good home but will require 2 men to move it out of backyard and down narrow sideway. One of wheels is gone.”

Yah, that could wind up being a great find. Hard to tell with all the dirt and grime on it.
It’ll need two stout men just to clean it up. Yikes.

It does come with the wire charcoal baskets, though. That’s a nice bonus.
Dadgummit, why could that not have been in Kansas City!
I think someone is going to strike a gold mine.
Yah, a broken wheel wouldn't deter me. Of course, there could be a ton of rust at the bottom of the leg that led to the wheel falling off, but that is what "going to look at it" is for......In the end, free is free. Gotta be some good salvageable parts on it no matter what.

