Franklins BBQ


John Moeller

New member
I am going to be in Austin on Wednesday and I am planning on going to Franklins for lunch. Since its forecasted to be 103 on Wednesday how long can I expect the line. Any insight will help.
John, my nephew just did this with his dad last week. He got there at a little past 5a, and was first in line (barely.) He waited 7 hours in line...... Now, I'm sure that's a bit extreme, and hopefully some locals will be able to chime in with how early you really need to get there to be sure to get in before they sell out. Advice on the 'net says get there around 9/10 on a "slow" day (which is Tues/Wed.) Sounds like avoiding the busier days is a good idea, and Saturday is supposed to be nuts.

For sure, we want to hear how you like it, and some pictures would be great!

I was just in Houston yesterday, unfortunately, no good BBQ that was open, close enough to Houston Hobby..... :(

get you a nice light straw hat and a cooler with some ice and water....hope its good.

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Arrived at 11:00am and was pleasantly surprised the line wasnt that bad. Not too the road like I usually experience. Thinking the line wasn't that bad shortly afterward an employee came out and informed that, this part of the line when we could expect to eat. 2:00 PM was our expected time and we should have a choice of all the meats but ribs. I was by myself and enjoyed my time in line. Very friendly people from all over the country.

The time I ordered was 2:10pm. All the meets were available. I ordered a half pound of moist brisket, ribs and sausage. I asked the person cutting the brisket to include some of the ends. He said they usually don't serve it but threw a couple of pieces on my order. All I have to say is the brisket was phenomenal, the ribs were awesome, the sausage was good but just average. I didn't use any of the sauces on the table and just enjoyed the meat. I didn't order any sides and was glad I didn't. I saw lots of tables with sides but the meat is so good the sides were not getting eaten.

So the question would I do it again. Yes! I could write more but the BBQ was awesome complimented by an all around good experience. Was told by numerous people if you aren't in line by 8-9 am Fri-Sun you may not get food.
You'll wait the same amount of time regardless of when you arrive basically. I figured first in line, first to eat. Also less time standing moving slowly in the heat. The first 20 people or so have cover overhead which is nice if its blazing. Treat it like a football tailgate...bring chairs and a cooler, have coffee and breakfast tacos when you get there. Play a game, get to know your neighbors and by 9 people are opening a few beers to pass the next couple hours. Bbq aside, the wait can be just as fun.

