Found some Sirloins


Chuck Bench

So, we were going through the deep freeze taking stock of what we had and found 2 nice sirloins from our last beef haul...

So here's some pics of the cook and finished product...everything was cooked on a Weber and we used some Weber Chicago Steak seasoning on the steaks and Weber Roasted Garlic and herb seasoning on the potatoes and onions along with some evoo





and Here's your plate...enjoy

Delicious looking cook, Chuck. How do you like the veggie pan? I have all three sizes and they are my favorite accessory. Weber hit a home run on those. They clean up quite easily too.
thanks Chuck

Cliff, I love it...we have one and it's the medium one I think...we definitely need a larger you can see the potatoes more than covered the bottom of the basket and there wasn't enough room in it to do the onions at the same time...I'm not sure whether all the veggies should be touching the pan or not or if it's alright for them to be stacked in there like the potatoes were
I guess ideally it would be better not to over fill. I've found, however, that it you do load it up. everything cooks fine a long as you give it a toss every few minutes to rotate and not allow the bottom to over cook. I really like the small one as I can use it on my Smoky or my 14 1/2" WSM.

