Paul S (Missouri)
TVWBB Member
Found this SJG at a salvation army store in Denver. We were on a camping trip and I had for the 3rd time left the grill grate for my SJG at home in my tamale pot/smoker. I was commenting to my wife that when I got home I was going to order another SJG and just leave it in the camper! Found this completely by accident for $12. I have seen red Budweiser ones but they have all been SJ silvers as well as red, not seen one like this. Not sure how old it is, it's got lots of stamped stuff on the aluminum vents, which are not on my SJG that I bought about 1.5 years ago, but it does have the plastic handle so not too old I guess?
Works great looks like it was used very little and for $12 I couldn't pass it up even though I am not a Bud man.
Works great looks like it was used very little and for $12 I couldn't pass it up even though I am not a Bud man.