Foul weather smoke


E Sassak

TVWBB Member
I threw two butts on the WSM early this morning. It's raining, windy and on the cool side. The rain and cool did not bother me as much as the forecast of sustained winds over 20 with 45mph gusts. A typical Michigan fall day.

Last night I did a lot of reading on TVWBB about smoking in less than nice weather. It really put mind mind at ease. I will watch the temp a little more closely and be prepared to add fuel.

My buddies from college are coming over today to celebrate a small 20 year reunion. I really want the pork to shine! Thanks to every one for their contributions to the forum. It is a great resource!
wrap an old blanket around it (but don't block the vents) and hold it together with clothes pins?? Worked for me.

This was a new unit so not "broken in" at that point.

As a matter of fact, I was tempted to use it as a "nap time" blanket because it now had a nice hickory smell to it
I'm doing a butt right now with a tight timeline. Rained on and off most of the day with cool temps just like you and the winds got worse as the day wore on. I'm in the final leg now, no more rain but significant gusts. I haven't had major temp issues (Stoker cook) but I do get more fluctuation than I normally would. Finished product should be just fine regardless.

Good luck !
The rain died down and the wind picked up. Spent the day chasing temp. At 172 I decide to cut my fuel loses and finish the butts up in the oven at 250. Dinner was about an hour later than I had planned, but the pork turned out great. My college buddies got to eat their fill, and my wife made one of her fantastic pecan pies to finish things off.

