Foodsaver Technique?


D Jennings

Would like to know how some of your Foodsaver tecniques. With my pulled pork, cooked meat, raw meats I find I have to freeze or partally freeze my meats before I vacume them. Otherwise it sucks the juices out of the meat and prevents the bag from getting a good seal. Anyone found a way around this problem?
No, I think you've found the silver bullet. I usually pull my pork and refrigerate, allowing the fat to congeal and capture the juices. Then it gets transferred into the food saver bags and sucked and sealed.

I, too, would like to hear of other ways! Maybe I'm missing something.
Per the Foodsaver manual freeze meat and fish 1-2 hrs before sealing to prevent juices from being sucked out of the meat.
Or you can put a paper towel on top of the meat before sealing. Another tip is to roll down the bag before putting the meat in so the seal area doesn't get wet.
I'll second what Jimbo said. I always pull the butts and put the meat into Tupperware or similar containers and into the refrigerator. The next day, I bag it and seal it - no juices to worry about since the meat is cold.
I normally process and vacuum seal large quanities of raw meat at time and letting it somewhat freeze is not on option. I like to roll up a paper towel or two and put it in the top of of the bag. Just like Scott's Post. It normally catches most of the juice. Or I hang the bag off the side of the counter top so the food saver really has to work hard to pull the juices up over the seal. The top of the bag does not get nearly as wet. Also, I find when sealing the bags if you have the "textured" side of the bag facing down you will get a much better seal.
I usually don't seal and freeze leftovers until after a day or two in the fridge. Per the intructions I put a piece of paper towel down in the sealing area to catch any moisture before it gets into the vacum pump. Another thing I learned from this forum is to freeze apple juice in ice cube trays. Then when packaging and sealing the meat put a cube or two in the bottom of the bag fill with meat and seal. When you reheat the package in boiling water the juice adds some moisture.

