Foiling Water Pan Question



TVWBB Gold Member
Do you foil the inside of the water pan, the outside, or both? If I'm not using the water pan should I use a catch pan to keep things from dripping on the coals?
I rarely use water so just an empty pan with a layer of foil over the top. I lay the foil so it has a slight depression but doesn't touch the bottom, this collects the drippings and helps keep them from burning.

Your welcome! If you want that open pit, fat hitting the coals taste experience than defiantly remove the water pan all together.
It's great for chicken,ribs, burgers,chops and roasts.:wsm:

Thanks guys. My first cook is underway. I hope to post some pics as soon as I figure out how. I appreciate your advice.
I didn't see the sense in that either. Thank you so much for your input.
I always cover the outside of the pan with foil for cleanup. Inevitably something gets past the foil and into the bottom of the pan, through a pinhole in the foil, I guess. So I'm washing the pan in the kitchen sink after every use. Foiling the outside means no smoky build-up on the bottom. But there's no right or wrong answer, do what makes sense to you as you get more experience under your belt.

Good luck! :)

