Foiling question

Looking at having to do more ribs than normal so probably using a rack. After foiling and returning to the rack I am concerned the seasoning will simply slide to the bottom of the foil and negate it's purpose. I would appreciate any experiences with this.
What kind of cooker are you using? How many ribs are you planning on cooking? You can always stack the ribs works great.
Not sure exactly how many yet on my 18.5 but probably at least 6 to 8. You mean stack them in the foil on top of one another? I've always had the ribs lying flat in the foil but that's only been 2 top rack and 2 bottom. Many thanks.
Hi, Marsh,

Welcome to the board. First you might try rolling the ribs rather than using a standing rack. I roll 'em and put a toothpick in and works fine for 3 on each level. You can also wrap them and put one sort of on top of the bottom two - shouldn't hurt.
As Noe suggested, stacking works just fine. I've done rib/chicken cooks where I put chicken on the smoker when finishing ribs foiled in pans in the oven, two or three slabs deep. The common thought is to foil tight, though, getting as much air out as possible to avoid steaming.

