Foil pans and pellet grills-when, where, why, how


Jay D in Jersey

Closed Account
I see them used for all sorts of cooks and in different ways.
So what's the consensus of when, where, how, etc...?
Beef rib roast, prime rib roast, pork butt, chicken, burgers, steaks??

Meat directly inside? Pan under meat on different grate?
Pan under grate on grease tray?
Effect on temperature?
I use a drip pan when cooking L&S on my pellet grill. Food on top grate pan underneath on lower grate. I don't think the pan makes a difference in temps in my EX6. Sometimes, I only cook with a drip pan until the marinade or fat drips off in the early part of a cook. Then I move the pan aside or put my food on the lower grate for more direct heat.

Using a drip pan makes clean up easier and reduces the risk of a grease fire. Foil the drip pan, it makes it easier to dispose of the grease.

If I'm doing burgers or something else hot and fast I don't use a drip pan.
I use a drip pan when cooking L&S on my pellet grill. Food on top grate pan underneath on lower grate. I don't think the pan makes a difference in temps in my EX6. Sometimes, I only cook with a drip pan until the marinade or fat drips off in the early part of a cook. Then I move the pan aside or put my food on the lower grate for more direct heat.

Using a drip pan makes clean up easier and reduces the risk of a grease fire. Foil the drip pan, it makes it easier to dispose of the grease.

If I'm doing burgers or something else hot and fast I don't use a drip pan.
Good info. Thank you, Sir.
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Use one pretty much all the time in the winter. Cuts down on how much cleaning I do. I just keep a couple shallow half sheet pans (cheap ones I get at Costco typically Nordicware). Very handy to use. Then all I need do is vacuum out ashes every coupe cooks. In the summer I don't bother unless I am doing a long cook on a large cut like a shoulder or brisket. But, even then not all the time. I simply put the meat on top rack, and sheet pan on lower rack. No decrease in heat or smoke. Only decrease in grease cleanup
So for a rib pan underneath or roast directly in pan?
Will be doing one Easter weekend and drip pan will go on lower rack, roast on upper. I never do anything right in the pan. The advantage of the pellet grill is the air movement not just the smoke. So, I definitely do not want to do anything that limits air movement around the food.
So I'm thinking rib roast in the lower grate. Foil pan beneath it sitting on the grease tray...or on the upper rack but not sure if there's room. Depends on the size of the roast I guess.
A shallow pan with a rack for the meat to get some smoke/air under it would work. That way you could put it on the lower rack if the meat don't fit up top.
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Yep. The ease of use is worth it.

For those that may be wondering, I don’t cook the meat in a foil pan. It sits on the grate to about the stall. I then lift the meat up, slide the pan under, pour a little of my spritz in there (generally apple cider vinegar, never measured but I would say under half a cup), cover and finish in the grille. Always been great that way.
So I'm thinking rib roast in the lower grate. Foil pan beneath it sitting on the grease tray...or on the upper rack but not sure if there's room. Depends on the size of the roast I guess.
Why do you want to make it so "hard"? Your pellet grill is the PERFECT companion to do what myself and a couple other wise pellet grill users recommended. What you're describing is like trying to drive a nail in a 2x4 with a frozen banana instead of a hammer
A shallow pan with a rack for the meat to get some smoke/air under it would work. That way you could put it on the lower rack if the meet don't fit up top.
My setup for low and slow on my pellet grill is a heavy duty extended hinged leg rack inside a disposable aluminum pan (for easy cleanup) inside a baking sheet that exactly fits the disposable pan for sturdiness. I use this method for everything but jerky on the pellet grill. I have a 3 tier rack for jerky that fits inside the disposable pan. I also keep the deflector plate covered in foil.
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Why do you want to make it so "hard"? Your pellet grill is the PERFECT companion to do what myself and a couple other wise pellet grill users recommended. What you're describing is like trying to drive a nail in a 2x4 with a frozen banana instead of a hammer
I don't. Just confirming what I believe I'm being told. Foil pan somewhere under the grate the meat sits on.
I don't. Just confirming what I believe I'm being told. Foil pan somewhere under the grate the meat sits on.
Though your grill like mine has an upper grate. Simply use the pan on the lower grate, place your roast on the upper. Although truly there is no "need" at all for foil pan. Only function it serves is to help with cleanup. I don't even bother in the summer. I don't mind the cleanup. It's only winter really I do this. In the summer I simply let the grill and it's grease management system do it's job

