FNG checking in....



New member
Funny New Griller that is!

About to start my first smoke on my new 18" Smokey Mountain. Going to try a premarinated Costco St. Luis style rib- I know, a carnal sin in most of your eyes. I am anxious to get it started, so here goes nothing!

Semper Fi gang.
No, sounds yummy to me! But, them again, I like to smell lighter fluid buring down on the grill ;)

Welcome aboard!
The verdict is in:
The ribs were great! I had a bit of trouble getting the temperature above 205 for the first hour, I added some more fuel and all was well. I also added some mesquite and mid-smoke and had quite a bit of white smoke initially, but it didn't seem to harm it. Thanks for the kind words, gang. I'm looking forward to my new hobby, and so is my family!

