Flying Jacob BBQ Roll



Since I recently discovered the Bacon Explosion some time ago, I thought I would combine that with a "classic" Swedish dish called "Flygande Jacob / Flying Jacob". There might have been some alcohol involved during that thought process...

The Flying Jacob dish was created in the early 70s as a kids meal, but it's really enjoyed by grown-ups as well. Most people do look a bit sceptic when told that it contains rice, bananas, peanuts, chicken and bacon... So the trick is usually to emphasise the bacon part.

Anyway, having emphasised the bacon part and the beer part (I did mention that part, didn't I?) I figured it would combine very well with the Bacon Explosion concept, plus I got to BBQ the Flying Jacob. :)

So, first up was a layer of thinly sliced chicken breasts, which I put on some cling film to help with the rolling later on. Add a thin layer of cooked rice, sprinkle lots of peanuts and slather in sauce (2 parts cream, 1 part Chili Ketchup).
Two bananas and then try to roll it up with out making too much of a mess. The cling film really helped, btw.







The result? Assuming you enjoy the original dish, this one was even better.
It looks soo tasty, and yet I am sorta unconvinced ;) hehe.. Not the biggest fan of the texture of cooked bananas... but it would be worth a try methinks..
I'd love to try this, even if it contains a bit of ketchup. Very nice weave, I'm sure it tasted good. Thanks for posting.
I would try that one time. I like peanut butter , banana and bacon sooooooo....yeah. I would try that . :wsm:
I've learned that when americans say food is "Interesting", they mean "I would not touch that with a stick, and taste some, no way!"

Is that correct? :P
I've learned that when americans say food is "Interesting", they mean "I would not touch that with a stick, and taste some, no way!"

Is that correct? :P
holey Moley! There's NO FOOLIN' This Guy!
Anders, Looks AWESOME and I WOULD touch that with a stick then eet it whole! EXCELLENT!!

now, your t-shirt... says, "HO____E TAPING IS KILLING MUSIC" what am i missing?
I bet it has a chicken satay taste doesn't it since it's got that smokey peanut flavor? Sweetness from the banana and not coconut, but same idea!
A really cool post! I would taste it...Taste? Well im in the "cant-stand-cooked-banana" Camp. But i know that my 2 kids would love it! So its a must try for me.

