Flour? Whoda Thunk It? Silicone Thermometer Port


John C in Vegas

New member
I'm a brand new WSM owner and this is my first post since my introduction thread.:)

A couple of days before joining the forum, I spent a couple of hours "lurking". During my lurk, I came across a couple of threads commenting on how difficult it was to install the Silicone Thermometer Port. The answers ranged from toothpicks to screwdrivers, and everything in between. However, the most common was to use flour.:confused:

Now, I think I'm pretty mechanically inclined and didn't pay all that much attention. Besides, I can put that puppy in the hole with my eyes closed.:cool: Man, was I wrong!!!!

After twenty minutes, one cup of coffee, and three cigarettes I decided I wasn't as clever as I had thought.:p Slipping quietly in the kitchen to the baking cabinet, I couldn't avoid she-who-will-be-obeyed who asked, "Whatcha doing???"

To which I smugly replied, "Why, flouring my new smoker, of course." and slipped back outside.:cool:

I want to thank everyone who suggested flour as the answer to my problem. That sucker slid in there like it was made for it... thirty seconds, maybe.

I'm gonna learn a lot here.:wsm:

Thanks again!!!
That is part of the attraction to this forum. People just love to help. That is how we all learn. Don't feel bad though since in one form or another, we have all been there. Also remember this, we are all probably our own worst critics even if we only think it. And remember this also, SWMBO (She Who MUST Be Obeyed) will give you high praise for the wonderful food you will make and the load you can remove from her plate. Win Win I would think. Just remember this also, you are about to become very popular (more than you already are) with your friends and family when the taste the wonderful BBQ you will make them. That is what BBQ is all about. Sounds like you are doing great.
I've read about the issues getting that silicon probe port installed, but I didn't have any problems with it on both of my WSMs. All I would do was bend it in half, get it started in the groove and used a little pressure to press it into place.

