Flank Steak on JJ


Jim Bounds

The JJ is a go to grill for small meals. 1 of 4 kids home (w/ boyfriend) and wife out of town. Flank Steak w/ twice baked potatoes corn on the cob and beans. My daughter loves to cook. I do the grilling.

Even though the JJ/SJG is often panned for the side vents it'll still get cast iron hot enough for some nice grill marks!
I just recently bought a new Jumbo Joe on a Target Special Closeout. It is the new design with vents in the bottom. It will get smokin' hot (pun intended) in just a couple of minutes. I can see me using it LOTS for small cooks at home as well as picnics. This is really an EXCELLENT grill in it's own right.

Keep on smokin',
Nice flank steak.:cool: I really like my JJ too but I have a newer one with the vents on the bottom. Just did a 11 hour cook on a 7 lb pork butt. Turned out great.

