Flaking gray paint on firebox of newer S330 - What to do?


S Brook

New member
I am experiencing significant flaking (up to 7"x4" missing) of the exterior aluminum casting paint on a Genesis S330 that I purchased new in May of 2012. The grill has always been covered with a Weber cover when not in use. I called the customer support number and was advised to send some photos of the issue (the worst area is attached here and is right in the front). The person I spoke with and sent pictures to told me that they discussed the issue with their manager who said it was normal... At first I was like, "ok I guess it's normal I'll live with it" but now when I look at the grill, it's all I can see! It really looks terrible.

I did see on the website that the aluminum casting paint is covered under warranty for a period of two years and I did raise this issue with them within that time frame.

Has anyone else experienced this and if you did 1. Did you fix it?, and 2. Did you try to contact anyone at Weber about it? I'm wondering if I should push the issue with them. My beautiful, young grill is looking too old for it's age!

S330 Closeup
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If it really bothers you, I'd continue to hound Weber. You might mention you're posting your situation on tvwbb. That might kick in PR damage control
Can you provide another photo, not so zoomed in?
I've seen that before on Webers. It's not very common. It's called a casting paint adhesion problem, and from what I've been told even if you sand it and repaint it with hi-temp paint it'll do the same thing again in that spot. It is covered under warranty for two years, and Weber should step up and take care of you.
Wow you guys are quick. I've attached another image. You can see that all of the gray paint looks pretty bad. I was just gonna roll with it because after all I have heard of Weber customer service I assumed they would do the right thing and if they told me it was actually 'normal' as they stated, it must be. Perhaps it's not so normal. :( I have not had another occasion to deal with their customer service although I have ordered parts for my old Platinum that is still going strong! (and has no flaking pant...)

S330 Front
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They sometimes have new service reps on the phones (especially around Memorial Day weekend) who may not be familiar with the issue. I'd definitely call back on the issue, as it is covered under warranty. Be polite, but firm about it. They'll take care of you.
Meh, I'm indifferent on it as I didn't care for the gray paint. When I rehabbed mine, I painted it black.
Used it a few times then sold it so I can't comment to how it held up.

