TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
I have a cook box that is warped (more like sagging) in the bottom along the front edge of the drip opening. Clearly the grill (Genesis Platinum) had a nuclear meltdown at some point. So, I know for sure that trying to just pound or bend it back into shape will result in cracking the cook box. I figure heat is the only way to soften it up enough to get it to bend back into shape without it breaking. Would a propane torch work for that? Can I get it hot enough? Or am I just as likely to wind up cracking the cook box anyway?
Unless someone tells me it is a stupid idea, I will probably give it a shot as saving the cook box isn't critical but it would be nice to keep for a spare and even more so, it would be nice to know if it is possible to get the aluminum to bend without breaking by adding some heat.
Unless someone tells me it is a stupid idea, I will probably give it a shot as saving the cook box isn't critical but it would be nice to keep for a spare and even more so, it would be nice to know if it is possible to get the aluminum to bend without breaking by adding some heat.