First winter smoke


Len Dennis

TVWBB Diamond Member
Successfully did my first winter smoke (about 25 F or about -6 C) for company.

A 4.5 lb prime rib with a small handful of apple and cherry. Two hours and it was at 135. Perfect.

Only issue I had was the temp kept fluctuating. No water in the pan, sheltered the unit in a corner, blocked the front with a large piece of cardboard as a wind break (to form a complete enclosure except top area) wrapped the WSM with a blanket.

Temps got to 325 -> 350 -> 375 --> closed two of the bottom vents (were at 50%) 380 now I opened the lid about 4 inches to spill some hot air out/cold air in--385 hmmm this temp is going the wrong way folks.

Lowered the lid and closed all three bottom vents. 15 minutes later 360 --> 355 --> 350 after about 30 minutes.

Finally that darn (I didn't say darn BTW) dinger shuts up (ET732). 345 --> 340 --> 330 -- 325 oh darn (again that word), getting too low now and it's still dropping.

Open up the two vents to 50%. Temp stops dropping. You know what happens next. 340 -->350 --> 351 **** dinger goes off again.

Ok I can live with this. Internal temp is 107 and climbing fairly quickly. I pull it at 135 with the external temp hovering at 380 for about 25 minutes.

Considering some put it in the oven (after a low temp smoke) at 500 I am not concerned at all (well, maybe a little bit).

Rests for hour (guests were late) but it turned out perfect.

Moral--don't be concerned if things don't go exactly as planned. It will work out in the end.

Used the Montreal steak spice mix and and a small handful of apple and small handful of cherry. Fat side up on top grill. The minion method as suggested on this forum.

Temps (without water--just foiled pan) were mostly 350 and the 4.5 lb prime rib was done in approx 2hr 15 min to an internal of 135. I didn't measure it after an hours rest though. Next time.

MMMMM good.

Meat looks good! What was your target cook temp? Opening the lid will pump the wsm with oxygen thus creating a spike in temps. For a cut of meat like a rib roast, I wouldn't be too concerned about nailing the cook temp. How many lit coals did you start your minion with?

Target temp was ~140. I wanted it to be medium around a 1/3 to 1/2 pink inside (the pic shows exactly how I wanted it). I didn't want it dripping. Nice 1/4" ring on it. The pic is the "morning after" so cold out of fridge.

Used a full chimney of lit (flames were licking out the top but not fully engaged) then put 3/4 unlit on top. This is as Chris described (it appears to be the "reverse minion" method).

Stopped the burn and the briqs were maybe half burnt. Lots of unburnt. Used RO briqs.

I knew that lifting the lid would increase oxy but also lower the ambient and I figured that was the immediate objective (lower ambient). The extra oxy would get quickly used up as all lower vents were totally closed (lid still wide open) when I put the lid back on.

