First timer with minion method and mr. brown

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Hopefully go to bed, Your kidding right
When it hit 200 closed vents to 25% temp dropped
Does'nt sound right to me tell me more. How long has it been since you started.
Hehe...well, it's 12:30 and I'm still up. :-) No catastrophies, but just wanting to make sure the temp stabilizes.

According to the instructions of the minion method, it said to keep all the vents open until the temp goes to 200. Then, at 200, close them to 25% open, and adjust accordingly.

For me, it's been about 2 hours and it seems like I can't break 225. At around midnight, I made the vents 50% open. 20 minutes later, the temp is still at the 225. I'm waiting until 1 to see what happens. If everything goes good and if it stays at 225, I think I'm going to hit the sack...

Although the recipe calls for 250, I'm guessing 225 is OK. It might just take a hour or two longer to cook them all the way through. Being that it's dark out, I am out there with my flashlight. I can't help but take a little peak through the vent holes to see the meat. Oh looks sooooo good. There's some juice coming out from the top and it's making me hungry just looking at it.

I also haven't put my thermo in, but I think I will wait until morning to do it. I figure that it's no sense takign the temp of the meat until a couple of more hours...

Oh, somebody on another post is cooking 35lbs of butts. I'm at about 52lbs. :-P
225 is fine, no worries. Where are you taking the temp reading from. Lid or top grate. I do all my smokes at 225-235 lid temp except for chicken.
Bryan - Do you ever sleep? :-) Thanks for your help...

I'm actually taking the temp from the lid. I have a weber gas grill thermometer stuck in one of the vent holes, and that's where I'm coming up with 225.

I went out there at 12:30 to check the temp and it looked like it went down a little bit. I opened the vents up a little more and going to check it in a few. if it's still the same, then it's definitely off to bed...

thanks again for you rhelp!!!
NO, And the scarry part is i work dayshift. Just love the forum and the people. Thanks Chris for all the fun.
Well, it's 8:30 and the temp of the meat is about 160. Surprisingly, the minion method worked well! It kept as a constant 225/230 all night long. I checked it once, turned the meat, mopped it, and everything stayed where it's at.

One thing of worry... When you guys smoke, do you stink up the whole neighborhood? I'm afraid that it's way too smokey and my neighbor got pissed. I saw him peaking through the window a few times. I'm doing it in the way back of the yard, but I'm hoping that this stuff doesn't bother them...

I rigged a fan up too so it blows it across the alley... It seems to help. I think I might go ask my neighbor if anything stinks...

Well, I talked to him thismorning and he said that they didn't really smell anything horribley bad...not as much as I thought they would have. He said that he thought he smelt something, but it wasn't like he couldn't handle it.

Either way, I think I'll give him some. I have to go and clean up because my g/f is getting mad that I'm not doing anything besides messing with the WSM. :-D
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike W.:

I have to go and clean up because my g/f is getting mad that I'm not doing anything besides messing with the WSM. :-D <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Time to get a new girlfriend. Your priorities have changed now

I'm glad things worked out OK. It does seem strange that you couldn't get to 250 though. Other than sub-zero overnight cooks in the winter, I've had more trouble keeping mine below 250 than getting there.
Well, we're still cooking the butts. :-D For some reason, my WSM does not go over 250. I mean, it did when I first got it; I couldn't keep it under 250! But after the third smoke (this may be my sixth), it seems like the average temp is between 225 and 250. And that's with all the vents open! I guess on the good side, it cooks the meat low and slow. ;-)

I'm getting tired of the temp staying at 180. I know mr. brown calls for about 180, but I'm anal about the doneness of my meat and 200 would be awesome. I changed the charcoal about two hours ago and put a fresh, newly lit chimney lighter full in. I just added also a ton of charcoal to fill the ring up, not lit though. I'm hoping that with all this fuel, it will make hte lid temp boost up to 275 or so, make the meat temp raise, and I can be done and throw by baby backs on.

Ughh... Gotta let the dog out now. I'll check on my meat while I'm out there. One thing is for sure is my dog loves licking up the grease that drips. Probably not good for her, but it's hard to stop it!

Just as a closing mark... After 14 or 15 hours of cooking, my butts were done and they were EXCELLENT! I let them sit for about 2 or 3 hours and then the pulling began. They were awesome and everybody loved them. I know it was a long time and a lot of effort cooking them, but I think it was well worth it.

I made the mr. brown's butts and the best ribs in the universe. I thought TBRITU were the greatest, but believe it or not...I thought the pulled pork was better!

so, thank you for all of your help on here! They were the greatest and I would make it again!!!
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