First time using my 18, cooked a turkey on Turkey Day!



New member
Well, I recently bought a 18.5" WSM from Craigslist. Got a great deal from a local guy that used to be on these boards. The WSM was in great condition. Bought it 4 days before Turkey Day. I was very hesitant about using it for a turkey on the big day. And for the first time ever using it?? Well, go big or go home right??

I brined the bird for about 18 hours, starting the day before. It was an all natural bird, at I think 18 lbs.. Pulled it out and rinsed it at 10am. Placed it into the fridge to dry for about 2 hours. Pulled it out, and brushed melted butter over the entire outside. I used a little bit of a rub on the outside, over the butter. Fired up the WSM. I used 1 full chimney of lit coals, then dumped another full one on top, and let those get going. Assembled the WSM and placed the bird on the top rack. Added 3 chunks of apple wood, and closed it up. I used a Thermoworks DOT for the inside temp (its an older WSM with no thermometer). I also used a Thermoworks ChefAlarm to monitor internal temps of the turkey.

The bird went on at at about 12:30. It was done, with the breast meat at 160 at 3pm. 2.5 hours! I was very surprised. I was thinking it would have been at least 3-4 hours. So, timing wise, it kinda threw things off, but all in all it was fine. Kept the temp at about 340-350 the whole time. Thats what the temp was on the DOT thermomter, and it was placed on the top grate, next to the turkey (with enough room).

So how did it go?? Very well!! I was surprised with how easy the temps were to control, and how good the turkey came out. It was awesome! Everyone loved the meat, and I was very happy with the results. I was nervous to try my first ever cook on Turkey Day, but I am so glad I did!! I think the WSM and I will have a great future together!! Haha.


