First Time out on WSM - Brisket...where did i go wrong??


Mark LaPenta

New member
I picked brisket for maiden voyage. not so good.

it was 7.87 lb packer cut
mustard and paul kirk rub overnight
used apple wood
warm water in pan
temperature between 220-250
did not touch for 4 hours
then mopped every hour for next 4
at 8hrs took off wrapped in foil for 30mins
great bark, great smoke ring
tough as leather
where did i go wrong? not long enough
Thanks Much
I do love this WSM
Mark,what was the internal temp of the meat? Smoking is not an exact science. Brisket can go anywhere from 1 to 1 1/2 hours a pound. And even with my opening question,the best way to determine if it's ready is to insert a thermometer probe in the side. You can tell by how it slides into the meat if it's tender. But still,welcome to the forum and keep trying. You'll get it.
Cook it until fork tender....brisket at 165ish will keep one chewing for quite a while.

Feel rather than temps should be the deciding factor.
<span class="ev_code_PURPLE">I guess i should have gone 180ish?</span> Absolutely. I don't start checking for tenderness until 180-185 internal; at which time, put the thermometer aside and check every 1/2 hour for probe-tender, which may be another couple hours away.
Meanwhile, slice this one very thin. Great on sammies!
Had some tender at 185 and some at 205. Depends on the Brisket. Tender in the middle of the flat is key!

Good luck.
Thanks all. I felt like such a failure last night. The family was all ready for my creation.

I'll get it next time, thanks for all the advice.

I am still a little perplexed at the following: If i go to over 180 to tender, would not the flat get there way before the point?

Thanks again
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">If i go to over 180 to tender, would not the flat get there way before the point? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

If a small point it will be ready when the flat is. Large point can be removed and go for 1-2 more hours....... no worries.

Trust me, when I first learned the butt and brisket art I was leary as well.
where did i go wrong? - picking Brisket!

It's arguably the hardest meat to get 'right'.

You might try Pork Butt and Beef Chuck. Very forgiving, will build your confidence, and will give you a good reference for judging tenderness in other cuts.
Odd. I can get the brisket right, but the pork butt hasn't been to my satisfaction yet.

Working on that.
But this is the fun thing with this hobby(read life style)

If it turned out perfect every time it wouldent be any fun at the end..

Jump on that horse again and defeat that brisket

And with all the above posters u have the tools to master it now.

Better luck next time.

Mark, If you slice the brisket thin, put in foil, put bacon fat on top of slices with a bit of apple juice for good measure, close foil pack tight, but tented, put in oven at approx 250-300 cook till tender. I have done this and it has transformed tough dry brisket to moist and tender.
I thought the trick was to get the meat to temp and then hold it at that temp for an extra hour. The connective tissue will have enough time to dissolve and turn the meat into super tender. Or does that only work for pork?


Are you a fan of delicious flavor?

22.5" OTS,
Hi Mark,

Like most have said, Brisket is a cruel meat. I've had it tender and dry, moist and tough but never tender and moist together. I watch the Food Network and see these BBQ pits spitting out hundreds of packers that just fall apart leaking juice but I can't seem to figure it out so welcome to our world.

I will say that 160ish seems low. I usually try for 190-205 for a full 10lb+ packer.

Take heart. After the brisket you'll be amazed at how easy a butt is


Only mistake was not cooking to righ temp / tenderness (185ish). You can also put a fork in and there should be no butta! Don't worry, your issue is easily to adjuste for next time. Go for it and you will enjoy one of my favorite smokes (espeically with no. 5 sauce that is in recipe section). Let us know how next one turns out.


