first time kettle smoking... help...

Looks great Becky! Did the ductape hold up in the heat?

I know that Mildo posted a bacon thread,were he used foil and magnets to shut the lower vents.
Here is a pic:


Love the ABT´s that you served with the Pork!
Hi Becky
A little off topic but I was wondering if you were aware that you can get replacement parts for your kettle? The OTS cleaning system (the thing that doesn't work on yours) is only $10 through Weber.
Although yours may just need to be cleaned up to get it to work. I have to do that at least once a year on my 22.5" kettle.
@ George and Scott.... the area/bolt that i need to get off to put replacement blades in there is rusted solid. i cant budge it at all. im afraid of hurting the bowl and damaging it.

@ Daniel... yup, the tape held up pretty well. the magnet idea is pretty good.

