First time cook on the WSM this weekend. Some help.


Jeff Magnuson

New member
Got the WSM 18. Tonight I picked up a 10lb packer brisket, for this weekend. Will be my first time on this. You think I am looking at about 15 hrs or so. Also got big bag of kingsford blue and a bag of pecan chunks. Any advice would help me out. Thanks
Doing a 10 lb packer myself this weekend. Best advice I can give is remove when fork tender not by temp. I start checking her for fork tender around 187 - 190 but don't remove until she's for tender. I foil my briskets at 165, seem to have better success with this process. What kind of rub are you using?

PS Lots of guys on here go high heat with very good results, I go low and slow, 225 grate.
The rub I got is the Fiesta brisket rub, and also claudes brisket marinade. Never had it before, was told by family memeber it was good. Anyway any other suggestions on rub and marinade would help also.
If you are cooking a brisket as your first cook, you are very brave.. Brisket is about the most difficult thing to pull off successfully.... Good Luck!!
I normally suggest starting with chicken, either whole or halves... Again, I wish you well, let us know how you do...
Only real reason is because it was on sale at HEB for one dollar a pound, I was going to freeze it, then thought what the heck why not. If I screw it up, only 10 bucks. Also I do not understand why your saying its so hard to do. My brother has had a cheap char broil offset smoker for about 9 years. His briskets are awesome, matter of fact, he has cooked for several partys I have had, weddings, birthday partys. You name it. The feedback I have got back from him, is there is nothing to it. Maybe its easy for him because of his 50 dollar char broil.
Im on your side, man... GO for it!! I just know that a brisket is a pretty difficult piece of meat to tame. Let us hear from you after the cook....
dont sweat it, you only need be concerned with stable temp and make sure you have enough time if the brisket requires more to reach fork tender

the midnight brisket cook guide in "Cooking Topics" has everything you need to know.

Once the brisket has reached 185-190 start checking it every 20mins to see if it has reach fork tender.

Its also a good idea to check it at 170 to get a feel for how a tough brisket feels, this way you have a reference to know if it is getting tender.

