First Time Canadian Bacon


Mike Coffman

TVWBB Olympian
A 4 pound pork loin that was cured with TQ and using a recipe from Kevin Kruger.
Loin was cured for 5 days, rinsed off and soaked in water for 2 hours, changing water every 30 minutes.
Put back into the refrigerator after coating with pure maple sugar and a peppercorn medley from McCormick.
It stayed an additional 36 hours in the refrigerator due to some nasty weather.

Onto the WSM after applying another coating of maple sugar and peppercorns. Smoked with maple and hickory wood.

7 hours later the loin hit an internal temp of 150. It seemed to stall at 140 for at least 2 hours.
I hit it a few times with my thermopen and it was reading what my maverick probe was reading.

After cooling it was put in plastic wrap and put back into the refrigerator for 48 hours. It was then
sliced with an old Electr O Matic meat slicer that my wife’s mother gave us. Looks like the blade
is going to need sharpening. After slicing it was vacuum sealed and some went into the
refrigerator and some to the freezer.






The bacon has a great flavor which none of the added spices or wood overpowered. Salt level was
good with no extreme saltiness. My wife compared it to store bought without the added fluids that
you get from factory produced Canadian bacon. Overall very pleased with my first attempt.

Thanks for looking!
Great job on the Canadian Bacon, Mike! Same as Bob said, it's been awhile since I did one but I plan to do it again soon.

Love this shot!

Man the looks de lish us! One day soon, I'm getting me a WSM and I want to make bacon (no pun inteneded). man that looks awesome, grat job Mike.
Man the looks de lish us! One day soon, I'm getting me a WSM and I want to make bacon (no pun inteneded). man that looks awesome, grat job Mike.

Gene you can do it on your kettle, just do a small minion and if necessary put a pan of water in there to keep the temp down to around 180 - 200.
I did some of my last bacon on my one touch gold and it came out great. No problems keeping the temp down.
That looks great Mike! I kind of prefer making Canadian to belly bacon -- it's a lot easier and it seems that the difference between homemade and storebought is much greater with CB. My 8 year old niece has only ever had my CB and recently had commercial stuff for the first time and said it was gross!

