First time.. but is Mr. Brown too spicy? Hope it's not too late!


Dan Wicker

I am starting my first all-nighter tonight at 10:00. I have a pair of 7 pounders in the fridge right now that I rubbed (with Mr Brown) late last night before going to bed. I tasted the rub and while I liked the kick it had, I'm having guests over so I hope it's not too much for them to handle. I'm making a mild version of Steve Petrone's No. 5 red sauce and my own mustard and balsamic yellow sauce.

Now the original Mr. Brown recipe calls for rubbing the meat twice. Can I skip out on this step to help cut back on the pepper? Thanks.
It's not too late.

Though I don't find it at all spicy what is or isn't is relative and personal--you or others might.

You can certainly skip the other rub application or you can apply the second rubbing to one of the butts so you can see and taste the difference post cook. Rubs, depending on ingredients, mellow during cooking from a little to a lot, again, depending on ingredients.

Butts are relatively massive compared to the rub quantity even if it's applied heavily. The bark that forms is spread amongst the meat during pulling/chopping so most rubs/barks end up balancing rather well.
Yes, the rub does have a bit of a kick. My wife and I both like that. My mother-in-law, who does not like any kick, handles the result just fine. Like Kevin says, the amount of meat combined with the bark creates a nice balance. If people are sensitive to the spice, they can limit the amount of bark they grab.
Thanks guys. I went ahead and skipped out on the second coating of rub. I personally like the flavor of the raw rub, but my wife tasted it and she was not a fan. She has a decent heat tolerance, but the black pepper, she thought, was a little overpowering. Then again, the rub was raw.. we'll see how she liked the finished product!

The butts have been on now for about an hour. Tomorrow evening seems so far away!
When I use the "Mr. Brown" rub I make a very thin carolina style red vinegar sauce. The interaction of the rub and the sauce works wonders. The vinegar neutralizes some of the black peppers bite and the pepper and spices from the rub meld with the sauce almost transforming it on the meat. It's almost alchemy. Take two seperate things that, by themselves, I'm not sure I'd enjoy all that much and when you combine them I can't get enough.

Well I'm pleased to say that today's barbecue was a resounding success! The butts actually took was less time than I figured. After 8.5 hours, they were already up to 185.. and this was at 8:00 AM this morning! Being that we planned to eat in the late afternoon, I did my best to keep basting the butts with apple juice and maintaining the temperature till it got to 195. The bark was excellent. The inside meat was also very moist and flavorful. My wife, whose hypersensitive tastebuds normally shy away from anything smoked, was amazed at how good the pulled pork turned out.

Unfortunately, out of the 10 people we invited to the cook, only 2 showed up. But they went home with lots of leftovers, and now we have a ton as well!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Dan Wicker:
Unfortunately, out of the 10 people we invited to the cook, only 2 showed up. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

And they'll tell two friends and they'll tell two friends and so on and so on . . .

And next time you'll invite 10 people and 20 will show up. Good job on your first all nighter.
Mr Brown's is my favorite rub on pork butt. I serve my Mr Brown's pulled pork with Big Bob Gibson's Alabama White Sauce...YUMMY

