First smoke with new 22 WSM


Bill Curry

TVWBB Member
I recently obtained a replacement smoker for my old Meco 5022 water smoker. I say, replacement, when really what I got was an upgrade from something that was fun, but a royal fuss to make work (although I learned to make killer smoked salmon and turkeys on that old Meco), to a state of the art “Low and Slow” smoker that really does a wonderful job. My cousin Gerry has had one of these for a while and he convinced me to get one, and also a book entitled “Low and Slow” by Gary Wiviott. The book states it will give you 5 easy lessons and set you on the path to BBQ glory – real BBQ – and if the first results are to be the yardstick – I’m on my way. Norma says this is the best thing I’ve ever smoked, and seeing as how I had my little Meco for 17 years, that’s quite the compliment. I made a Chicken dish, which was based on Gary’s Mojo Crillo marinade (I actually made a Floridana marinade that had the exact same ingredients but substituted grapefruit sections for the pineapple – 17 years counts for something!), but otherwise followed Gary’s instructions to the letter. The result was superb, and I have a really good understanding of the difference between the new Weber and the old Meco – namely fire control.
I took photos of the whole process, which I have linked below. Enjoy!
Thanks, Wolgast-
I have Nikons for my work, but am comfortable using pretty well any camera. For publication work, normally it's my Nikon D3 - which is what I was shooting with yesterday.

