First Smoke w/WSM 22.5


Gary M

New member
I finally got my WSM smoker together and started my first smoke on it this morning. I ran it through a dry run yesterday aftn with some charcoal briskets, lump, and a few hickory chips. I started it at 5am this morning with a 7lb pork butt that I cut in half for 2-3.5 pounders. I'm using half Cowboy lump charcoal and half Kingsford blue bag. It runs a little hot with all the bottom dampers closed, about 250, but it's been over 8 hrs now and it's holding around 234°. The pork has hit a plateau at 167° for the last couple of hrs. I am running water in the pan. Since it's been 8 1/2 hrs now, I'm wondering if I should foil the butts? It's 1:30 in the aftn here, and I have time before supper. OR should I just leave them be? I have been mopping them ever so often (1-2hrs).
Man, we're stuffed! After 13hrs I pulled the butts off @ 189°. I stuck a probe in one and juice started flowing out. So I wrapped them up in foil and stuck them in a small cooler. While they were resting there I started some cabbage and potatoes. About an hour later I took the shoulders out of the cooler and stuck two forks in one and it pulled apart like butter! Oh yeah... Bone came out clean too. So this first smoke with the new WSM was a success (even if I didn't hit 195). Tasted great, & I have plenty left over. So glad I bought a WSM. Just a little pricey (well, for me), but half the price of that big green thing. And it has alot more room then my Weber Kettle which I've been smoking ribs on. Can you freeze this pork in freezer bags? I'd post some pics, but the site won't let me.
Yes, freeze away. To post pictures one has to upload them to a photo site and then link them here.........Congrats on the first cook...........................d
So glad I bought a WSM. Just a little pricey (well, for me), but half the price of that big green thing. And it has alot more room then my Weber Kettle which I've been smoking ribs on.

Gay sounds like a good meal..... You can justify the cost the same way I did.... If I go to Famous Daves with the family 6 times it will cost more than the Smokey Mt. So with that thinking you had to buy it, its good economics.... Like when my wife spends a cople of hundred on shoes she tells me that they were on sale and that we saved money ;)

