First smoke: rips and chicken



New member
First smoke: ribs and chicken

I'm doing my first smoke as we speak. I'm not so sure if I did the right thing or not but I put the chicken on the bottom and the ribs on top no water in pan. but I put them together instead of the rips first then add the chicken. Any advice is appreciate it to make them both come out good as I have a lot of people waiting to eat. :)
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Chicken on bottom is a good thing in my mind. I don't like poultry juice dripping onto anything. The ribs are going to take 4.5 to 6 hours at ~250-275* and the chicken will not take that long to get to internal temp.
Yeah I agree. I don't want anything dripping on my ribs. I'm smoking at ~ 300 bc I want to crisp the skin on the chicken. Smoking ribs at ~ 300 shouldn't be a problem though?
I like to go ~275* for ribs but who's to say there's a right way or wrong way. I don't think 25* is going to be a crisis and I imagine they'll turn out fine and will get done quicker. Most oven recipes call for 300* I believe so it should work on a WSM. I like to go 300*+ on chicken like you do for the same reason -- crsip skin.
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I would start ribs on top and about 3-4 hours into the cook, added the chicken to the lower grate. Adding at the same time you're gonna get a lot of rib fat dripping on the chicken. Not a health risk, but a taste risk for sure. If you add the chicken later most of the rib fat will be rendered out. JMHO. Party on, Garth. Party on, Wayne!

