First smoke on my new WSM


Chris G

New member
For my birthday I got a WSM from my mom and dad and today is the first time I'm using it. I fired it up last night at midnight and threw on a 12 pound brisket. I followed the instructions on here for the MM and the WSM has me hooked.
I went to sleep at about 1 AM and set the alarm for 6 AM just to check on it, and it was still chugging along at 245 even with a little bit of rain. I just threw some more charcoal and 2 racks of ribs on there and bumped the temp up to about 260.
I'm in awe of this machine. It's well built and keeps going just like the Energizer Bunny. It's great to sit inside and read a book knowing the WSM has everything locked down. A big thanks goes out to everybody on this site, you made it easy to get started on my new WSM.
I'm having some friends over tonight to help me eat all of this food and I'll have to post some pictures. Once again, thank you to everybody here and thank you to Weber for making such a great smoker.
Chris, It looks like you did a lot of research here befre your first cook, and it looks like it is paying off! Congrats and enjoy the WSM and food you put out.
wow, brisket on your 1st smoke. i'm doing my 1st brisket tomorrow night and have done 5 smokes(chicken,butts,ribs,chicken,butts).

edit..i forgot the no good bottom round so i've done 6 smokes
I was going to take pictures but we ate it all too fast. I have some nice shots of the bare rib bones if you want.
The food was incredible. Since there isn't a real BBQ joint down here it's been a while since any of us have had some good Q. The ribs were amazing and the brisket was just as good.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Chris G:
I was going to take pictures but we ate it all too fast. I have some nice shots of the bare rib bones if you want.
The food was incredible. Since there isn't a real BBQ joint down here it's been a while since any of us have had some good Q. The ribs were amazing and the brisket was just as good. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Glad to hear it turned out great. I also did a brisket flat for my first cook on the WSM.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Jim Baker:
Nice gift! Now treat her like you would your wife </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Haha, you're killing me with the "w" word. I'm still in college, let me get out of school and then out of debt first. I don't want to grow up too quick.
Steven, it wasn't my first smoke ever, just my first on the WSM.
I've been doing ribs and brisket for a couple of years now on a cheapo smoker, I actually haven't done too many pork butts yet. I'll tackle those next.
I smoked some salmon the other day and put it on some crusty bread with tomatoes and basil and a bit of garlic cream cheese, it was incredible.

