First smoke - noob mistake?

Top notch, Justin. Re: the grate, they can slip off if they're load bearing and not centered. Been there many times. Also, I'm never a fan of closing the top vent due to soot buildup. I only play with the bottom vents.

Again, you really did a nice first cook. Well done.
Great job Justin on not giving up on the cook. Turned out awesome. One thing to think about is maybe your center section isn't perfect and your grate doesn't sit on the straps fully. There have been a number of people that had to add washers between the strap supports and the cylinder wall to push the straps out so their grates get the full support of the straps. Or maybe your center cylinder section is out of round a little and you can gently squeeze it back in shape. Just some thoughts on why your grate may have fallen.

Again, great job on the butt.

Yeah, the thing slipped because I was trying to squeeze two butts on the top rack... and let's just say that was a bad idea.
The finished product looks great! As you have discovered, short of a neighborhood creature (raccoon, possum, etc....) stealing the butt, you can almost do anything to it and it will come out OK. Next time try going waterless . Instead, fill the water pad with sand or wrap the pan and add a terra cotta pot base. I used water on my first smoke (a disaster) and have not used it since.

Every smoke and smoker is different. Do what works best for you and welcome to the WSM brother(and sister)hood.
Sorry it started out rocky!! It will be fine!! I burnt my self this weekend and I dropped food in the coals. It happens. The fun out weighs the risk!!

