First smoke is tonight!


Mike Tag

TVWBB Member
Gonna start up the fire around 8 p.m. and am hoping to have it at the temp I want at 9 p.m. so I can put the brisket on.

Have one question. Am going to smoke a 13 pound brisket which is the largest I have done. It is so big that I don't think it will fit on the grill unless I cut the end off or fold it over. If I fold it over I am assuming it will definitely affect how the meat is smoked. If I cut part of the flat off and smoke it along side the rest of the brisket I am afraid that the flat will cook a little quicker and will end up too dry if I don't keep a close eye on it. Part of me wants to cut off the part that won't fit and just toss it and forget about it. What do y'all suggest?
Keep it whole, shoe-horn it between the top grate handles, and protect the ends with some foil until the brisket shrinks and is no longer too close to the edges.
I have heard of some that fold it, but would also suggest cutting it at the angle that goes against the grain. It makes it easier to figure out where to slice after done smoknig it. Smoke the end and put it in some baked beans, let simmer.
Have fun.
You shouldn't have troubles fitting that bad boy on there. I've done it where I hump it up in the middle so the ends make it on. I doesn't have to sit flat on the grate. I fit an 18 lb. chuck roll on last year. Enjoy, your in for a big treat tomorrow!
Don't forget to take some pictures
don't have the scanner set up yet so sorry, no pictures. brisket is on and temp is 185 degrees and rising. waiting for it to reach 200 so I can adjust the lower vents.
alright, up to 235 and waiting for it to cool down a tad. if it sticks around here will not worry too much. 225-250 is really where I want it.
Yup, I remember those first cooks where you toy with it so much you get kooky temps all night long. All part of the learning process! Sounds like you're right on top of things.
alright, 30 minutes away from 12 hours (my estimated time to smoke) and temp has fluctuated from a low of 205 around 4 a.m. back up to 265 right now. brisket temp is 172. am trying to reach 185 so may give it some more time. just got off work so am just waiting to foil and put it in a cooler. amazed that 12 hours later the bullett still has a consistent temp.
brisket it foiled and in the cooler for the next 3 hours. can't believe it is 13 hours later and the bullett looks like it could smoke for another 6 hours without missing a beat. truly amazing.

