First smoke - excellent BRITU, but question on rub


Greg Caesar

New member
Hello from Houston. I just finished my first smoke and tried BRITU - turned out fantastic! I had no problem at all holding temperatures, even with weather changing between sun and rain a few times. And the ribs turned out very moist and tender. I'm very pleased with the WSM.

One question I have is about the BRITU rub. The recipe makes a point of emphasizing "dusting" of the ribs, and that if you go too heavy the ribs are salty. However, I thought I had a good dusting, but the ribs were not spicy / salty at all, with the final flavor dominated by the KC Masterpiece / Honey blend. Plus, I had a ton of rub left after dusting my 3 racks, even after using the 1/4 batch called out in the recipe. It was very good, but I like a little more kick, so I've decided that next time I'll use much more rub.

Anybody else have the same experience with BRITU rub?
I must not have read the recipe close enough. The first time I made BRITU I put on a heavy dusting. I started cutting it back because the ribs were too salty. When I did that people started saying they didn't taste like they had and wanted it heavier. What I do now is I cut the salt in half and put on a heavy dusting.
I like Jeff's idea. Cut back on the salt and use more. I have high blood preasure so I need to go easy on the salt. I've used kosher salt which is "bigger" than normal salt and therefore less. I may even start actually measuring out less.
Sometimes ribs are enhanced and by following the directions for BRITU you can end up with a Rib Salt Block. Probably most of the people in here remove salt from the recipe and then salt the ribs if they are not enhanced. If you are buying cryovac packaged ribs read the label it should tell you if they have been brined. I wasted $40 worth of BBR's cause I didn't know about enhanced ribs. I pulled my hair trying to figure out what I did wrong. lol
i can get 3 ribs out of the 1/4 batch of rub works out great. I use kosher salt but cut it back according to the salt chart on this site salt
What Gary said. I did some enhanced ribs once. My brother bought them and thought he got a deal. He brought them over for me to smoke for him. It was a salt block and in my opinion they were tough. They will never touch my smoker again.
Since my original post and the followup suggestions here, I have since smoked numerous baby back's with 1/2 salt BRITU, heavily rubbed (not light dusting like the recipe says), with excellent results. Other variations with great success were based on the sugarless texas sprinkle recipe - also heavily rubbed.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions! My wife, in-laws, and visiting parents now brag on - and demand on visits - WSM ribs.
So after the salt has been reduced (or omitted completely), does everyone dust the ribs heavily the night prior or the day of the bbq (if so, how many hours before)? I've always assumed that when it comes to rubs, it's pretty much pointless to rub the meat hours before cooking it, however if a marinade is used, a fews hours (or even overnight) would be needed.

