First sausage and backup chicken.

I have tried the kitchenaid grinder, and to be honest, it is not much more than a toy when it comes to grinding anything else than small quantities of well trimmed meat.
I have a Kenwood food processor, not so fancy in design, and much stronger, and the grinder on that one works like it should. Silver skin is no problem if the blade is sharp.

Since you already own the Kitchen-aid grinder, have you tried to sharpen the blade? It needs to be very sharp to work as it should. That applies to all grinders, by the way. The blade has to be sharp enough to cut the meat you have at hand, and not just squeeze the meat through the hole plate. From what I can see, it looks like the meat is partially "squeezed". I've seen this when I grind, as well, and you will just have to stop, clean the grinder, sharpen the blade and re- attach. The "squeezed" meat is uasble, but it will not have the same mouth feel as ground meat.
A ceramic stick, or a high- quality sharpening stone can do wonders on a grinder blade. I've "fixed" several "non- working" grinders this way.
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Daniel no I didn't grind twice, I will next time.

Geir thanks for the advice on sharpening the blade. It was brand new and never used but I'll definitely sharpen it.

Thanks for all the great comments and advice, I'll be trying again in the next couple weeks.

