First Pork Butt


M Glaser

New member
Bone in pork butt with the fat on the top. Put it on at midnight for a 1-2pm lunch on the 4th.
It's 9.13lbs and I put it on when it was a little hot at around 300 degrees but I waited until the temperature was falling. About 30mins into it now and the temp is almost below 250. My target temp is 235 before I try and get some sleep.

Going to cook it until it's internal temp of 180. Going to take it off and wrap it in foil with apple juice and put it on for another couple hours until it reaches 200. Then I'm going to let it sit in a cooler for an hour or more and pull it apart and hopefully it will be juicy and great.

Anything I should look out for?
Well, it's a little late now, but I always cook them fat side down. I don't foil butts and it seems like no matter how much Pam I spray on the grate they still seem to stick when I pull them off. I'd rather mess up the layer of fat than my bark.

Also cooking them fat side up can booger up the rub.

Be patient. Most of them hit a stall or plateau around 160 and can stay at that temp for several hours before moving up. Resist the temptation to crank up the heat when that happens.

Good luck!
Dammit all. Overnight my smoker went down to 138, my butt was at 137. This was about 30mins ago. I got my temp holding steady now at 243-250.

I hope that blunder didn't cost me too much time!?!?!?

I had my ET-73 set to give me an alarm at 210, but I guess I didn't set it right. I have about 6hrs before guests arrive. I hope that's enough time?
I like an internal of around 195 as there all the connective tissues are broke down, just my opinion
Hopefully it was done in time. FYI if you're running a little behind nothing bad will happen if you goose it up to, say, 275. Heck, in my early days I had temperature spikes up in the 300s for a couple of hours and nothing bad happened. Those things are pretty idiot proof.
I had the same thing happen with my ET-732 ... definitely user error. It took me a few times to figure out that, in addition to getting the temps set & locked in, you have to push another button to toggle the alarm on (working from memory here, I think it's the one on the bottom right). Anyway, a little symbol pops up next to the high and low temp settings when you get the alarm turned on (seems like it's a little clock looking thing).

