First pork butt ever on WSM


Andrew P

New member
Hi all. I smoked my first thing ever today. Boston butt. Well it's getting late and I want to go to bed soon. It's almost done, sitting at 190 now. Probably going to pull at 195. Anyways, how long can I keep the meat foiled in an ice chest before I pull it. Is 6 hours too much?
I have done 4 hours...6 hours seems like a long time. Hopefully other members have a comment or suggestion.
Don't pull it from the smoker by temp alone. Most of my butts are off/foiled/resting before 195
If they're probe tender - they're done. I start checking at 190 and half of the time that's when they're done.

Ive held 6 hours without issues before. That's well wrapped in towels and in a cooler. I wouldn't aim for that amount of resting, but it worked for me just fine.
Thanks! I probed and boy was it tended. I took it off wrapped in foil. I'm going to pull it after 30 min of rest and throw it in the fridge until tomorrow
Well I'm too late to offer advice so I hope it worked out ok. I have held in a cooler for 6 hours, maybe even longer. Kept the temp probe in it and it was still in the 160's when I pulled it

My concern with going straight to the fridge is that it will create a lot of condensation on it. Hope it all worked out for you

