First Picnic Smoke


Clay Jackson

TVWBB Super Fan
Last night I fired up the WSM with a 12.5 pound picnic. I removed much of the skin to get good bark, as advised on previous posts I read. I did take K Kruger's advice on PB and bumped up the lid temp...I stayed anywhere from 278-265 lid temp. Wow...Done so fast!!!! I thought I would have a good 14-16 hour cook on hand at least, and it was done in 10 hours....195 all around. It is in the cooler and I will be coming home for lunch to pull that pretty bone out.
It was a good lunch. I was a little surprised how different is was from a normal Butt. I found the meat darker and a bit more greasy than. Could be just chance though. I think I will do another one because I really like the way the bone protrudes out of the meat when finished.

