First overnight boston butt


Justin Kimak

New member
I'm going to try my first overnight cook with a boston butt tomorrow night. It is an 8lb butt that has already been trimmed and rubbed this evening. After reading several previous posts on here, it looks like I should anticipate approximately a 10 hr cook time. I plan to bring the WSM up to temp (225-250) around 11:30 and put the meat on at midnight. Does anyone have any last minute recommendations for my first overnight cook?

I'll also be smoking late tomorrow night into Saturday. Only I'm filling the smoker with 8 butts. :D
You should figure 1.5hrs per pound so that's closer to 12 hours. I start checking for doneness once the internal temp hits 190 degrees. If your pit temps are only 225, it'll take forever to get the internal up to 190+ degrees. Most guys on here will agree the sweet spot is closer to 250-275

Overnight cooks are fun. The first one I did, I spent a lot of time running out to check on the temps. Then I bought a maverick and monitor from more comfortable places. :)
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So I ended up not pulling the overnight cook and started the butt early Saturday morning. I only used coarse pepper and salt for the rub so I didn't end up with a very thick, distinct bark. The temp maintained between 275-290 (on the grill thermometer) almost the entire cook. I will definitely be investing in one of those digital thermometers you've shown me above. I would really like to know my grill temp at the grates rather than the dome of the cooker. Also, I guess due to cooking at the higher temp, I satisfied internal temp of the meat by the 7th hour.The meat was very juicy and had decent flavor to it. My friends that I tailgated with absolutely loved it but you know, you are your own worst critic. Next time I will try a rub and attempt to introduce some stronger flavor to the meat. Please provide feedback and thoughts for my next go at it.

At 6:30 the following morning.

That's some pretty steady temps for start to morning. Care to share how you run it

