First cook. With pictures.

Thanks again for the warm welcome, everyone.
I'm looking forward to my next project now. Not sure what I'll do, but probably pulled pork (which I've never even tasted).
Excellent job. Between the scenery and the ribs it looked like heaven. Pork butts are low and slow baby! I am sure you will do fine. With your skills it won't suck.
Welcome to the forum, Magnus...and by the way, I wanna move to NORWAY (however, based on the prices you quote, I think I'd bring a couple of thousand pounds of ribs, butt, etc., with me)!
Sure, come to Norway, plenty of room here.

Because smoking, taking pictures and writing about it was so much fun and because your response was so positive, I've decided to start a food blog. My first post is a slightly edited and recycled version of my post here. There'll be new stuff, I promise, barbecue, but also other cooking, please have a look!

(fattus norvegicus)
Looked at your blog. Something tells me that you have other talents besides food and photogaphy. How about publishing. To me setting up a blog would be impossible, well at least take a lot of work.

Very nice start, let us know when new editions are added.

Beautiful work, Magnus.
Here (Small town Nebraska, central USA) we raise beef.
BUT the groceries have little to offer in the way of fine meat. Even local butchers have to be cajoled to come up with something as interesting as the legendary Guldkott.
Of course the meat that is available runs about $16.00 / kilo, so that would be the major difference.
I have added your blog to my Google Reader subscriptions, and will be looking forward to future installments.
Thanks. Meat in Norway is expensive, but nothing like Guldkött (even though Swedish prices generally are lower than in Norway). I guess a normal price for a ribeye would be about $25-30 (per kilo - edited). But it will be vacuum-packed and wet-aged.
Nice pics. It seems a bit strange to write in sortofenglish to a Norwegian, but here it goes- please bye "tynnribbe" and use it as a substitute. Remember, our american friends have access to pigs twice the size of what we can buy. So- use "tynnribbe" as a subsitue, just remove the skin, and smoke. You might want to remove some of the fat after smoking, depending of the meat, but that's all. If you buy the meat presented as "spare ribs" here in Norway, you'll just pay for expensive bones, and not much more. Suited for hi- heat grilling, and not at all anything like BBQ.
Love the blog, those are some epic posts, I can't wait to see how you follow them up
Gratulasjoner. Velkommen til en verden av røyking. Flotte bilder og historie. Ha det gøy med svinekjøtt rumper. Og beholde bildene av røyking i Norge kommer.

(P.S. don't blame me if that makes no sense, blame Google translate. Welcome anyway.)
Very impressive work with the camera, and the WSM! And what a beautiful backdrop. I used to live in Minnesota which is similar country to northern europe. Now I'm in San Diego and the weather is better, but I miss my trees.

On a related note, I read your blog regarding the steak and must say you have a masterful command of the written english language. It is quite impressive, particularly for a non-native speaker.

Thanks for that. I must, however, confess to a bit of cheating. I lived in D.C. from 86-89 when may dad was stationed there as a diplomat, and then went to university in the UK in 98 and stayed until 05.
And I read a lot.

I think I'll try to smoke some of the trimmings from last weekend tomorrow. It's basically two inch thick pieces of boneless belly. Do you guys think I could manage to pull this meat after smoking? I guess I'd have to trim off some fat before pulling. How long would it take to smoke, do you think?
I think I'll try to smoke some of the trimmings from last weekend tomorrow. It's basically two inch thick pieces of boneless belly. Do you guys think I could manage to pull this meat after smoking? I guess I'd have to trim off some fat before pulling. How long would it take to smoke, do you think?

you could brine it for 24-48 hours and smoke it to 60-65*C and make some bacon.

Belly will cook to tender and will be amazing. Another cool thing is to cook it just shy of tender, chill it, slice it into large cubes, and sear them in a pan. Its fun stuff.

here's a link to few pictures.
I love making bacon and have done that a few times. I've got a cold smoker for that, though.
Your idea there looks great! I love belly, and have got quite a bit of it in my freezer now, so I'll try something like that soon.
For now, I think I'll just smoke it to tender and eat it in a bun with slaw.
I'm a bit behind in responding to your original post, Magnus, but I gotta say: WOW! Excellent job with the writing and pictures; very enjoyable to read.

I've always known that Norway is probably THE MOST expensive places in the world in which to live. According to the
Cost of Living Index by Country for 2010, Norway leads in 4 out of the 6 categories listed. I myself am absolutely facinated with the Nordic countries, mostly because some of my favorite metal bands have come from Norway, Sweden, and Finland, as well as a few other reasons I won't list here (gets too far off topic). I want to take a vacation (holiday) and visit sometime when my family is a bit older and I have more money, honestly!

Your blog is now in my favorites, and I look foward to your future posts there and on here.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks! I'm a bit behind on my blog, partly because I went on a wine tasting trip to Georgia. Not the Georgia between South Carolina and Florida, but the Georgia next to Azerbaijan and Armenia...
No barbecue, but lots of grilling and moonshine. Will try to put something up on my blog.
Please do come to Norway some time. Although I'm not sure it's not all like in the black metal videos...

Originally posted by Magnus T:
Please do come to Norway some time. Although I'm not sure it's not all like in the black metal videos...
LOL!! I know that part of the world is stunningly beautiful least from what I've seen on the "New Scandinavian Cooking" show with Andreas Viestad, Tina Nordström and Claus Meyer. And for the record, ALL black/death/progressive metal videos depict dark, gloomy landscapes!


