First Cook in Ages ... butts and brisket


Mike Dunphy

TVWBB Member
Hi Folks,

Gosh...I forgot how much I loved doing this, though I might have gone a little overboard. I've been so busy with my kids for the past year that I just haven't found the time for a long cook.

I fired up the smoker last night around 10:30, and threw (2) pork butts totaling about 18 pounds on the top grate and a 6.58 lb brisket on the bottom. I'm guessing the brisket will be done first, and have heard differing opinions on internal temp. I've heard both 160 and 180 as time to pull. I'd like it to remain moist, and somewhere in the medium range. I've done butts many times so I know what to expect, but this is my first brisket, and I'm cooking everything at the same time.

Any thoughts or suggestions from you pros for the remainder of my cook would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks and have a great day!
Pull the brisket when it's tender. Pulling at 160°-180° will leave you with a jerky like

Probe or fork tender is the best way to check for tender.

I would foil when the brisket reaches 160°, and then check for tender periodically. If you foil, getting a temp reading may not be accurate on a brisket that is in the foil.

