First cook at our new home



TVWBB Super Fan
Been moving in our new house the last 4 days. Exhausted and haven't had a chance to unpack much yet, but I hadn't even grilled since last weekend so I picked up some shrooms and steaks and some chicken tenders for my 7 month old girl(yes she already eats solids lol--- well finely chopped solids).

I used my blue 22.5" OTG with KB. My wife's steak was seasoned with S&P and lawrys and my steak was hit with weber Chicago steak seasoning. The chicken tenders were not seasoned and lightly hit with canola oil. Shrooms were cooked in my vintage le creuset cast iron #23 and seasoned with canola oil, Worcestershire, and S&P.

everything turned out great :D. My daughter ate about 1/4 of the chicken tender I chopped up for her, but he ate some so that's good. Daddy can't wait until she is old enough to eat some of my smoked BBQ with rubs and sauce! Enough babble.... Pics:

Shrooms warming up:

Steak and chik tenders waiting on the shrooms to cook a bit:

Everything cooking--- threw on a jalapeño too:



Shrooms and steak finally together:

My daughters chicken finely cut up:

Thanks fer lookin!
All looks great ! A true family man...even grilling for the baby..nice work and congrats on the new pad! Hope it was a good move.

