First "calibration" run with new 18.5!



New member
Hey gang! The wife has asked me to BBQ for some company this Saturday, so I figured it's time to make sure I know how to run this thing! To date, I have only done a dry-run (no water in the pan) without trying to control temp. Today, I put water in the pan and am going to see if I can maintain 225.

Happy to hear any thoughts/feedback you might have.

Start: I filled the ring with KBB and dumped a fully-started Weber compact chimney on top of it, Minion style.

Outside air temp is 32F with 7MPH south wind. I'm logging temp (from Maverick ET-732) and settings every 15 mins, just to see what I can learn.

Time Temp OAT Wind Top Vent Btm Vents Note
13:45 64 31 100% 100%
14:00 232 32 7 100% 50% Added 3 chunks hickory.
14:15 253 32 7 100% 25%
14:30 255 32 7 100% 0%

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Looks good so far!
Don't sweat minor variances in temp, that butt will be fine anywhere from 225° to 325°
Assuming that's a new smoker, it will likely run hot the first few cooks until everything gets gunked up and seals off.
I usually give at least 30 minutes between vent adjustments, if yours locks in at 255° just let it be.
Thanks for taking the time to decipher the looked good when I posted it!

For those keeping score at home, it's down to ~221F with the bottom vents all closed for 30mins
Way too many numbers.. :). Pit, fire, meat--

light the coal. put on the meat. Have a few frosties. (And Send pics!!)

Don't lift the lid....
Just over two hours in and holding pretty steady at 237F. Top is wide open, two bottom vents are closed and one is just halfway open.

Just over two hours in and holding pretty steady at 237F. Top is wide open, two bottom vents are closed and one is just halfway open.


Yep, that's why we love them so much and they are the most recommended smoker for beginners
Running an empty smoker is different than running one with some meat on it. If you really want to fine tune you're WSM, and start to seal up them leaks, than brother start cooking on it.:wsm:

Yes it is almost this easy. I agree though you need to get something on there to get the real feel for it and to season it. Have fun and can't wait to see the cook.
Thinking pork butt for the inaugural run...

BTW, a full ring of charcoal was still chugging along at midnight. Well over 10 hours of running in freezing temps.

I finally had to close all the vents to shut it down. I went out this morning and there was still a healthy amount of unburnt fuel in the ring!!!
Smoke the pork butt anywhere from 225-265. Where ever your smoker settles in. I smoke anywhere between those temps and it always comes out great.
Thanks for the tip! Heading to Costco to buy some butt!

I've seen a lot of estimates for how long the cook will take. What's the best rule of thumb to plan my timeline?
Thanks for the tip! Heading to Costco to buy some butt!

I've seen a lot of estimates for how long the cook will take. What's the best rule of thumb to plan my timeline?

10-12 hours. On my smoker it takes no longer than 10.5 hours.
Here we go! I threw an 8lb butt on at about 7:15 this morning. Everything seems to be running according to plan! :)

