First butt cook...


Dave Atwater


2 butts, one 5 pounder the other 7 pounds. I want to have them ready for dinner tomorrow night around 6 or 7, allowing for at least an hour rest in a cooler.

What is your recommendation for a start time?

Using the minion method with a coffee can, and allowing for cook time, how many lit briquettes should I start with?

WSM 18.5, KBB, apple and hickory, minion method.

I would plan for 1.5 to 2 hors per pound for cooking(10 to 14 hours) at 225 degrees. A lot of people go higher heat to shorten time. I would plan for the longer and if it is done sooner wrap in foil and towels and place in a cooler for up to 4 hours. I did that yesterday on an overnight cook and it worked great. Good luck and take pics. Butt is forgiving so have fun.
I would start at 4:00 am Sunday morning. Run the smoker @ 235-250. I do the minion method and start with 1/2 chimney of lit charcoal.
Having your butts done early is no problem if you wrap and place in a cooler. Don't cut your time allowance short. Plan for at least 12 hrs.
I don't know what your idea of early is, but if you are planning a 225* cook, you won't make your target eating time. IMO, cook at 275* to eat at 6-7.

