First bukboard attempt, is the color too light?


Tom B (NYC)

TVWBB Member
I cured this 8# butt for about 20 days before smoking to 152 degrees at the thickest part. The smaller deboned area is a dark red while the bulk of the meat is a pink (much more pink than the pics show). What do you guys think? Did the cure not take or is it fine? I plan on frying in a pan before eating.

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You need not worry about light pink. Worry if the meat interior is grey or brown. That means that the cure hasn't fully penetrated.
It's hard to tell by the lighting/pics because some of it looks a little washed out and is probably fine. Here's mine from a recent batch. Like Dave said, if it's not grey (like roast pork) then you should be fine. And really, unless you cold smoked it for a long time then there's no need to worry about the cure fully penetrating -- the flavor might be off but it should be safe to eat.

