First Brisket


Darryl P

TVWBB Member
I finally got the courage to cook up a brisket after years of pork and chicken cooking. I was at the grocery store and I saw a small alb mini-brisket on sale and had to have it.

Fired up the WSM using the minion method, with water in the Brinkman pan, with a chunk or 2 of cherry wood. The cooker was steady at 240 all day long.

It was yummy (wife loved it) but a bit dry. I believe that is due to small size of the meat.

Hopefully below is a link to a pic of the smoke ring.

I am currently the president of the first brisket club. Welcome to the club. Scroll down the thread titled first brisket with photos. The guys gave me great information that may interest you

I do see some juice on the cutting board. Looks good for first one and great smoke ring
That is some good looking brisket Darryl. I'm envious - brisket is my nemesis, but one day I'm going I'm going to make a good brisket too!
If it was a bit dry, it may have been overcooked. I think people tend to do this with their briskets. I know I overcooked my first five.
It should be tender, but not pulled pork tender. Yours looks great!
Early foiling and higher temps is what you want for partial briskets. Otherwise, good luck timing cooks with any consistency. Little mini briskets don't go by the 1hr/lb at 250, or 1.5 hr/lb at 225 rules.

Also, you might try at least 50% nutwood next time, like oak or hickory. I'll be smoking a couple of 12 lb. whole packers next week, and "oak-ry" will be my wood, specifically sawtooth white oak and shaggy bark hickory. If you want more mellow, try pecan or 100% white oak. While 100% fruitwood is fine for poultry, fish, or ribs, I think you'll find that beef, in particular, needs something with a little more kick.

But whatever you do, try to get you a choice whole packer next time. The results are a whole lot more predictable, although your pic doesn't look half bad...and I'm not just talking about the smoke ring. Doesn't look over-cooked to me.
That smoke ring looks photoshopped in!

I had a bad experience with my first brisket and have been humbled ever since.

