First Brisket-WSM 18.5, 11.5lbs, 12 hrs.


Brady ATX

New member
Did my first brisket this weekend. 11.5 pounds, started at midnight, done at noon. Temps ranged from 215-293 was the hottest. Sprayed AJ every 2 hours after the first 6. Filled the water pan up once at the beginning. Probably could have done it a second time. Since it was done at noon and we weren't eating till 5pm, I wrapped it in foil, towel and stuck it in my yeti cooler for 4hrs. The IT when I took it off the smoker was 195. After 4 hrs the IT was 137. I reheated it in the oven at 200 for about 30 minutes.
I felt it was a little dry. Even the fattest parts were dry.
I'm wondering since this was my first, did I keep it in the cooler too long? Did it continue to cook all 4 hours while it was in here? Should I have add more AJ to the foil wrap? Should I taken it off sooner than 195 knowing I was going to wrap in the cooler? Should I have filled the water pain up again mid cook?
Any thoughts or questions one what I should or could have done differently?
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I cook mine to 203. Once the smoker comes to temp I close vents to 1/8. Will maintain 225 for about 10 hours on my 18.5. 4 hours is ok in a cooler. Not sure why it was dry. Be sure & buy choice. You could inject with beef broth. I cook over hickory.
When we do a brisket, I don't slice anymore than we are going to eat at one sitting, I find that if I slice it all up it doesn't hold the moisture as well as when left whole.
Sounds like you undercooked it so 'even the fat' wasn't rendered out and moist. Next time try taking it to 200+, or, go by feel.

Thanks for the response. I wouldn't say not moist but it wasn't oozing with juicy like I would hope for. I did probe the flat at 195, closer to the middle of the brisket went in very smoothly, closer toward the end was easy but tighter than the center.
I did do fat side down by the way.
Sorry about your brisket. My first one was horrible. It takes a few to get it down right. I think your timing was off by starting it at midnight, for a 5pm next day serving. Like others have said, I take mine up to around 200f, wrap it in heavy foil, and let it rest for a few hrs under heavy towels. Also, buy the larger water pan, so you don't have to keep filling up the water. Keep at it, you will nail it soon!!!!

