First Brisket...Updated Picture


Chris C

went around town every meat store and chain store looking for brisket, 1 meat store had them, but biggest size is only 9.7lbs,once I trim it it will probably weigh in at just over 8lbs is that ok for a packer? I am cooking it with 2 7lb butts, and put the brisket on bottom grate fat side down. Cook took 16 hours for Shoulders, and brisket took almost 18 (due to wind) have a 3 sided wind break but didnt do the job until added the final side and covered top, (winds started blowing 25-35) but hey I cant complain they turned out great for only 2nd time. did the overnight method so I was fine time wise
Well chris personally i would do it FAT SIZE UP ! not down ! like every meat i cook, on the bbq or the oven, it's best to cook fat size up in order for the fat to "enter" the meat and give it some taste and moisture
I cook briskets fat side down and never touch it once it's in the smoker. No need to rotate ,as far as I'm concerned. All you do is prolong the cook and lose heat every time you open the lid
Here are the Pictures From my Second smoke, turned out nicely, thanks for the help everyone[IMG:top]

