First brisket on new 22.5 WSM


Brent Hutson

New member
Greetings to all from Texas-

After a ton of research and analysis, I pulled the trigger on a 22.5 WSM. It arrived last week and after assembly and a few adjustments, I fired it off this morning.

I have a 10lb packer on right now, using the low and slow technique. I used about 3/4 ring full of kingsford with 5 pieces of hickory. I used the minon method to fire it off - put the brisked on the smoker cold and it took 30 minutes to reach 230F.

I have two of the bottom vents completely closed and the third 50%. I had them all at 50% and it shot up to 250F for a few minutes.... The top vent is 100% open...

I plan to pull it off and foil it at 165ish. I have some sausage to throw on at that point and I plan to do burnt ends with the point...

We'll see how it goes. So far so good!

Any advice is always greatly appreciated!
The first hour and a half it was holding in the 220F range - now I am having a hard time holding it under 250 with all the vents closed - top vent is still open. Noticed that when I close that top vent the temp shoots up....

Well I've read on here where these things run hot on the first couple of cooks...
No water... Went with the sand for cleanup's sake... The temp has come down - it only ran high for 30 minutes...

I might try the water next time. I used to have an old eletric smoker (years ago) and I still remember cleaning the water pan...
I can only imagine how much energy it takes to heat a jumbo size pan of water in a 22" wsm. I would stick with sand.
Well it went extremely well! The temps settled out and stayed in the 230F range for the remainder of the smoke.

I pulled @ 165'F internal, foiled it and took it to 190- rested it for an hour wrapped in a cooler. It was perfect. The family wolfed it down. The point is back on the smoker for burnt ends.

Deer sausage went on for the last hour - got a nice ring on it!

Very happy, will make minor adjustments for next time. Probably will try without the foil. We really like a crispy bark-

