First Brisket, my plan sound ok?


Jason de Weerd

New member
This is my first attempt at a Brisket. I have read quite a few different threads on the subject but thought I would lay my plan out and see if anyone has any suggestions.

I have a 9.5lb brisket, and was instructed by the butcher to cook it fat side up at about 200F, for 10-12 hours or until internal temp reaches approx 150F. I will put a dry rub on it, and wasnt planning on spraying throughout.

I have read different opinions on fat side up/down, but will this yield decent results for my first try?

Any tips appreciated!

Hi Jason,
You didn't say whether this was a full packer or a flat, first of all. I would think 150 is nowhere near done for a brisket of any kind. But more importantly, it's not necessarily "done" by what any thermometer reads. It's "done" when you can insert said thermometer (or anything else long and pointy and thin like a skewer or toothpick) into it with virtually no resistance whatsoever.

I'd go a bit higher in temperature if you want low-and-slow, about 225-240, but that's a personal preference. Budget about 1.25 to 1.5 hours per-pound. If you're smoking it on a WSM, I'd go fat-cap down, too; this way the rub won't fall off as easily. Trim that fat cap to no more than about a quarter-inch, but you DO want a fat cap on.

The general thought is it's starting to approach "done" at around 190-195 in the thickest portion of the flat. You're probably going to want to foil it when it hits around 160-165 for a couple of hours, but that's also personal choice. I've never done it, but probably will next time.

Good luck and please keep us posted when you do it. Pics too!!
Your butcher needs to stick to making cuts out of meat and selling it, not cooking it. Fat side up or down depends on the type of cooker, but fat down is best for more efficient cookers where the heat source is below the meat, as in the wsm.

Assuming this is a decently marbled whole packer, apply dry rub and smoke at aproximately 250* until tender. (If it's just a flat, I'd wrap in foil at an IT of about 160*.) If cooking a 10lb packer though at 250*, it MIGHT be done in about an 1hr/lb, with an IT of about 190*. I'd allow time for an hour or two for a rest wrapped up in foil before slicing. Since it's not a very large brisket, you can get it done in a day, but start real early if cooking for supper. The early bird gets the most tender bbq.
Thank-you for the replies. The Brisket I bought is a whole, untrimmed brisket still in the cryovac.

Thanks guys, I am going to bring the foil along (doing this camping), I have no problem foiling.

I thought I would check with the experts, glad I did. Fat side down, and I will cook to the 190'ish mark.

Thanks for the tips!

Just as follow up for those who are going to try a brisket for their first time. I used this marinade overnight, and one of the rubs out of Smoke and Spice and it turned out great. It was on the smoker for 9 hours (to my surprise) and was done. Taste was great and there was lots of leftovers. I didnt find it difficult at all, and well worth trying for those who havent.


